PD for Exploring Robotics 3-4 hr virtual session with experienced STEM facilitator for 3 to 5 teachers. (Specify the Robot product)
Professional Development (3-5 Teachers)
Your personalized support.
Looking for ways to support your staff with STEM related skills? EdforTech offers virtual professional development for K-12 educators. We bring innovative teacher capacity building to your district with customized workshops. We’ll start working with you from the beginning, offering 3 to 4 hours of hands-on direct instruction via video conferencing. Through interactive learning and proven classroom strategies, we deliver professional development that improves STEM outcomes. We’ll show you exciting ways to keep students engaged, help refine STEM teaching skills and gain confidence in your delivery methods. (Specify the Robot product).
PD for Exploring Robotics 3-4 hr virtual session with experienced STEM facilitator for 3 to 5 teachers. (Specify the Robot product)
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