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Exploring a Mission to Mars with Codey Rocky (Teacher Pack)


Grades 3-7 | Send Codey to Mars! An adventure awaits where Codey becomes a rocket, then a spaceship, then a rover once he lands on Mars. An ideal beginner’s robot that can be used right out of the box to create game controls; roam and avoid obstacles; follow light, sounds or dark lines; mimic facial expressions; make music and fun noises. Educators use the 20+ online lessons with PBL to teach CS standards and introduce AI and IoT cutting-edge technologies.
Includes: Exploring a Mission to Mars online 1 year license to online Curriculum lessons for teacher with 20+ hours of hands-on activities for kids that include application of physical science, math, engineering and technology.  Easy access lessons provide step-by-step videos and slide decks making it easy for teachers or parents to get started with no STEM background. Comprehensive lesson plans follow 5-E framework.
Standards: Curriculum aligned to CS-K12 and Science standards and also includes ELA and Math standards.  

Bonus: Also includes a Codey Rocky Robot Kit, Scratch and Python Coding Software for teacher.

Students will…

  • Develop CS skills: control the robot, use sensors and communicate messages
  • Learn to code with Scratch at any skill level, on: Chromebook, Android, iOS, PC, or Mac
  • Gain hands-on experience as an engineer with the Engineering Design Process

Exploring a Mission to Mars with Codey Rocky (Teacher Pack) 1 Year Curric License plus Codey Rocky Robot for teacher.

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Exploring a Mission to Mars with Codey Rocky (Teacher Pack) 1 Year Curric License plus Codey Rocky Robot for teacher.