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Exploring Autonomous Vehicles with mBot (Teacher Pack)


Grades 4-7 | Revolutionize transportation and mobility using mBot, the autonomous vehicle! Hands-on activities guide students to learn how automated vehicles work by using sensors for light levels, finding lane lines, parallel parking, and avoiding objects like adaptive cruise control. Throughout the mBot course, students are engaged in problem based learning and critical thinking as they learn the foundations of new technologies and the science and engineering behind it.
Includes:  Exploring Autonomous Vehicles online 1 year Curriculum license lessons for teacher with 20+ hours of hands-on activities for kids that include application of physical science, math, engineering and technology. Easy access lessons provide step-by-step videos and slide decks making it easy for teachers or parents to get started with no STEM or coding background. Comprehensive lesson plans follow 5-E framework.
Standards: Curriculum aligned to CS-K12 and Science standards and also includes ELA and Math standards.  

Bonus: Comes with one mBot-s Robot Kit with Scratch and Python Coding Software Apps for Teacher.

Students will…

  • Build a robot and learn about its mechanical components and sensors.
  • Learn to code with Scratch at any skill level on: Chromebook, Android, iOS, PC, or Mac.
  • Apply Computer Science principles to real world problems.

Exploring Autonomous Vehicles with mBot (Teacher Starter Pack) 1 Year Online Curriculum License plus mBot Robot for teacher.

School? Connect with us to get Bundle pricing.


Inspire young people with interactive experiences and proven lessons.

Empower your students to take part in the discovery of science, technology, engineering, and math using the mBot STEM Lab pack. mBot is an excellent educational robot for beginners, making teaching and learning programming simple and fun. Combined with our standards-aligned curriculum and expert support, we make it easy for you to create a Robotics STEM Elective Course or teach a Unit in a Science, Math, or Computer Science class.

Download the mBot Brochure for later viewing or printing.

STEM Solutions

For Busy Teachers

Save time in lesson prep with standards-aligned, easy to teach lessons created by teachers for teachers.

Gain helpful STEM and CS tips and techniques through live or virtual PD sessions with our experts.

Tailored for your timeframe: Camp, after-school, or inclass with 6 to 40 hrs of hands-on activities

You can count on our support team for technical and lesson planning assistance when you need it.

Build your robot easily with 3D building guides.

With just a screwdriver and the step by step instructions and videos, children can build a robot from scratch and experience the joys of hands-on creation.

Beginner friendly drag-and-drop coding.

Using the latest Scratch 3.0, mBlock software features many powerful functions and promises a truckload of experience; coding is as simple as assembling building blocks and is made accessible on your tablet, phone, or computer.

Connect STEM disciplines using fun lessons.

Real-world project based lessons encourage students to apply their math, ELA, and science fundamental knowledge, all while reinforcing core skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, the scientific method, and more.

Integrate robot technology to engage in coding and engineering.

Equipped with the latest tech, sensors and parts; mBot is designed for education.

With the right tools, any teacher can be a STEM teacher.​

Exploring Robotics curricula can be used by any Math, Science, CS, STEM teacher, media specialist, camp director, or club educator. Start easily with a STEM Lab Pack that includes everything needed for success.

Easy to implement while still meeting academic standards.


Apply physical science concepts, engage in scientific inquiry, and perform data analysis.


Create and test programs in projects combining hardware and software with variables, loops, and conditionals.


Collaborate, communicate, and create innovative designs using the Engineering Design Process.


Reason abstractly while solving multi-step real world problems and algorithms.

“[The students] benefited from being able to work out their own problems. Some that get it more than the others are assisting their classmates without my direction to do so. It has given them the courage to try the things they want to try. Part of being an engineer and coding is making mistakes. I’m seeing them have that freedom. In the public school system, mistakes are very taboo. I’m seeing students have the freedom to mess up and the courage to try new things and create genius.”

– Devin Chisholm, DPS

Curriculum Resources

Curriculum Overview

Laying out the foundation, this curriculum overview will walk you through the concept of the course, overall pedagogy, and how it can be implemented in your classroom.

Sample Lesson

mBot Autonomous Vehicle lessons will engage your students, utilize the engineering design process, and encourage teamwork through fun challenges.


This syllabus will provide you with an in-depth look into the sequencing and pacing of instruction for this course. The time frame can always be adjusted to fit your schedule, with 5 to 30+ hours of activities – Just contact us!


Learning a new language doesn’t have to be rocket science, even if it is in code. 😉 Our curriculum is designed to be implemented with ease and easy enough for kids (or the kid at heart) to understand.


Computer, Tablet, Phone (macOS / Windows / iOS / Android). Compatible with Makeblock Maker’s Platform and Lego bricks


17x13x9 in (L×W×H) | Weight: 2.23 lb

Programmable modules

Light Sensor, Button, IR Receiver, Ultrasonic Sensor, Line Follower Sensor, Buzzer, RGB LED ×2, IR Transmitter, Motor ×2

Power Supply

3.7V Lithium Battery



Control Board


Coding Languages

Can be controlled with Scratch, Python, or Arduino code

Professional Development

Your Personalized Support.

Looking for ways to support your staff with STEM related skills? EdforTech offers virtual professional development for K-12 educators. We bring innovative professional development to your district with customized workshops. We’ll start working with you from the beginning, offering 3 to 4 hours of hands-on direct instruction via video conferencing. Through interactive learning and proven classroom strategies, we deliver professional development that improves STEM outcomes. We’ll show you exciting ways to keep students engaged, help refine STEM teaching skills and gain confidence in your delivery methods.


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Robot Comparison Document

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Gain insights on the top educational robotics brands with our Robot Comparison Document – Join for access to collected and compared data from well known robotics brands such as Vex and Sphero to help you make the most informed decision for your classroom.